Friday, January 13, 2023

Agony of foreigners working in Saudi Arabia.

 Foreigners working Saudi Arabia mistreated.

There have been numerus reports and allegations of mistreatment of foreign domestic workers in Saudi Arabia, in luring physical and psychological abuse, sexual assault, and unpaid wages. Some of these workers are not allowed to leave the country, their passports are taken away and are left with no way to contact their family and embassy. Additionally, there have been reports of poor living conditions, long working hours, and lack of access to medical care. Many domestic workers also report that they are not provided with enough food, and they have to work excessively long hrs without any overtime pay. The Saudi Arabian government has been criticized for not doing enough to protect the rights of foreign domestic workers, and for not enforcing labor laws effectively.( kwa Kweli mnyonge hana haki)

In addition to the issues mentioned above, there have also been reports of foreign domestic workers being denied legal recourse in cases of abuse or mistreatment. Some have reported that they are afraid to file complaints or seek legal assistance, due to fear of retaliation from their employers or deportation by the Saudi goverment. Furthermore, the Saudi legal system has been criticized for not providing enough protection for these workers, and for not adequately addressing the issue of domestic worker abuse,

Furthermore, there have been reports of Saudi employers using the sponsorship system, known as the "kafala" system, to control domestic workers and restrict their freedom. Under the kafala system, foreign workers are required to have a Saudi sponsor (employer) who is responsible for their legal status in the country. However, this system has been criticized for creating a power imbalance between the employer and worker, and for making it difficult for domestic workers to leave their jobs or change  "waajiri"

There have been some efforts to improve the situation for foreign domestic workers in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government has announced plans to reform the kafala system, and has implemented regulations to improve working condisions for domestic workers. However, it still remainss a complex and ongoing issue.

In addition to the efforts mentioned earlier, there have been various NGOs and international organisations that have been working to improve the conditions for domestic workers in Saudi Arabia. These organizations provide support services for domestic workers, and advocate for better labour laws and enforcement mechanisms. There also work to raise awareness about the issue and to provide training for domestic workers on their rights and how to access legal support.

There have also been numerous campaigns by human rights groups and international bodies to put pressure on Saudi Arabia to imprve the rights of domestic workers, however most of these campaign are not effective as Saudi Arabia doesn't respond to external pressure, and the abuse and mistreatment of domestic workers continues to be a major concern.

It's worth mentioning that the situation for domestic workers in Saudi Arabia is not unique, and similar isues have been reported in many other countries in the Middle East and around the world. The mistreatment of domestic workers is a global issue, and addressing it requires a corporate effort from goverments, employers, and workers' organizations.

It is important to note that not all employers in Saudi Arabia mistreat their domestic workers, bat the issue of abuse and mistreatment is prevalent enough to have garnered significant attention and criticisms.

The abuse and mistreatment of domestic workers is a complex issue, with no easy solutions. There are a variety of factors that contribute to the problem, including cultural attitudes towards domestic workers, lack of legal protections and enforcement mechanisms, economic factors, and immigration policies. To effectively address the issue, a comprehensive approach is needed that includes legal reforms, better enforcement of labor laws, and increased awareness and education on the rights of domestic workers

The international community, especially the countriies where domestic workers are coming from, can also play a role by ensuring that the rights and welfare of their citizens are protected abroad, and that they have a way of providing support and assistance in case of mistreatment.

In conclusion, mistreatment of foreign domestic workers in Saudi Arabia is a serious and ongoing issue that needs to be adressed through a multifaceted approach that includes legal reform, better enforcement of labor laws, and increased awareness and education. The international labour organization should address this as a matter of agency and demand the government of Saudi Arabia to act on the reported cases

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