Friday, January 13, 2023

Mother-in-law and daughter in law fights

 Mother-in-law Daughter-in-law Conflicts 

In most cases,mother-in-laws and daughters-in-law have a complicated relationship, and it is not uncommon for there to be conflicts between them. There are several reasons why a mother-in-law may fight with her son's wife, and understanding these reasons can help to mitigate the tension and improve the relationship,

1.....One reason for conflict between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law is a lack of communication. The two women may have different expectations for how the family should be run, and without clear communication, these expectations can clash. For example, a mother-in-law may expect her son's wife to take care of the household in a certain way, while the daughter-in-law may have a diferent idea of what her role should be.

2......Another reason for conflict is a lack of boundaries. A mother-in-law may feel that she has the right to be involved in her son's life and his family, but this can be overwhelming for the daughter-in-law,who may feel that her privacy ad autonomy are being invaded. A mother-in-law may also feel that she should have a say in how her grandchildren are raised, but this can be a sensitive topic for the daughter-in-law, who may want to make her own decisions about parenting.

3......Another reason for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflicts is competition. A mother-in-law may feel that her son's wife is trying too take her place in the family, and may resent the new woman for it. A daughter-in-law, on the other hand, may feel that her mother-in-law is trying to control her and her relationship with her husband, and may resent her for it.

4.........Another reason is jealousy, a mother-in-law may feel jealous of the close relationship her son has with his wife, ad may feel left out or replaced. The daughter-in-law may also feel jealous of the close relationship her husband has with his mother, and may feel that she is not as important to him

5........Finally, there may be cultural or generational differences that contribute to conflicts between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law. For example, a mother-in-law may come from a culture where "mama mkwe"  plays a more dominant role in the family, while the daughter-in-law may come from a culture where the wife is more independent. Or, a mother-in-law may have grown up in a different time period and have different values and expectations than the daughter-in-law.

It's important to note that these conflicts between mother-in-laws and daughters-in-law are not always one-sided and can happen vice versa.

a....The key to improving the relationship between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law is open communication and setting clear boudaries. The two women shuld sit down and talk openly and honestly about their expectations and any issues that are causing tension. It's also important to remember that everyone's feelings and perspectives are valid and should be respected.

b.....It's also important for the son and husband to take responsibility and be a mediator in any conflicts that ariseHe should be amble to communicate with both sides and help them understand each other's point of view.

c.....Additionallyit's important to remember that every mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relatioship is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to conflicts. It may take time, patiense, and compromise to improve the relationship, but with open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to work together, it is possible to build a positive

Hope this article will help restore many broken relationships between mother -in- laws and daughter-in-laws respectively.


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